
iPhone Development
EZ Tip Calculator

Information about this project:
On iTunes | 8/24/2016
iPhone version of EZ Tip Calculator
Here we have the actual very first app that I got to compile and run on the iPhone simulator. If you've ever been in a situation where you had to learn how to use a new development environment (and surely you must have), you'll know that a simple project is the best way to learn how to make it all work. This was the project I chose for that.
Considering that there a billion apps like it, and even the Android version isn't all that popular, I may or may not ever release this. But why not? It is a cool, functional utility.
Update 8/24/2016: The app was approved. It is now live!
Update 8/23/2016: The app has been released to the app review team. If approved, it will be my second app to go live. If not, I'm just going to assume now that the reason is that (as I mentioned) there are a billion apps like it. We'll see...
Download link:
On iTunes | 8/24/2016