
iPhone Development
Metric Converter

Information about this project:
On The App Store | v2.50 - 1/25/2017
iPhone version of Metric Converter
Here we have an app that I have always considered to be really important. I used to have something similar on my trusty Palm Pilot, a whole lot of years ago. When I started building this, the idea was just for a few common measurements. But then I added to it. Now there are conversions for most useful measurements for Length, Weight, Volume, Temperature, and speed.
Since I already wrote this app once, it was mostly about converting the code to a new language. But the real trick was the interface. I couldn't use dropdown menus like I did before. So I went with a sort of modal (popover) window, for all the different options. I think I actually like this idea better. In a way I wish I'd thought of it before.
9/5/2016: I spent a lot of time working on this over the Labor Day weekend. It's not ready for release yet. I've made it as far as getting the alpha version out for testing. I should be able to get a beta version ready over the next few days.
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On The App Store | v2.50 - 1/25/2017