
Android Development
Holiday Campfire Simulation

Information about this project:
On Google Play | 12/04/2016
On Amazon Appstore | 02/16/2017
I had been sitting on this project for a while. I recorded the fire clip back in May, or something. I really hadn't thought of the best use for this project until it dawned on me how close to Christmas we are. So I have purposed this app for Christmas. It is now a "Holiday Fire". After the holiday season, I suppose it will just be a campfire.
For now, what we have here is a nice campfire playing in a loop. There are 13 different Christmas music selections. Music will play in a loop until you manually switch tracks. Before you go rating this thing with one star... I am not done with this app. Please leave it installed for a couple of revisions.
NOTE: 12/6/2016 - I added in the volume controls, and a way to skip songs. I skipped this initially because I rushed this into production. Christmas is coming quickly. I would rather have an incomplete version of this thing out there than nothing at all.
From Google Play
From Amazon Appstore
Local version. Follow instructions on previous page.
Also... Check out this Facebook page I'm working on, to get developers to trade ideas