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Saber Fight Whaaaat??? Highjack Screwball JackAss CaptainObvious Sucks The Hulk
Cool!! Wheew!! BigLaugh HaHa Excellent ByYourCommand Geezer Loser shiat Dancing Banana LaughALot clap nyah
booooo penalty please

¯\_(ツ)_/¯   <-- That one is a font, not a graphic. Copy the text

Not mine:

Dancing Banana DrinkBeer Knife Blink Popcorn

Unsee Sucks Plug! PotKettle HellFrozen Kudos trainwreck fingers Worthless FSM Heh? Winner! AgentK GiveADarn

good nope WhyNotBoth getout ThatsWassis clapping howAboutNo these2points dancingTroll epicthread

Fark tags:
cool  obvious  sad  amusing  asinine  dumbass  fail  followup  interesting  interesting
newsflash  scary  sick  silly  spiffy  spiffy  stupid  unlikely  weird""  ironic"" 

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