
Android Development
Temperature Converter

Information about this project:
On Google Play | v3.43 - 2024-07-08
Description for Temperature Converter
The original idea for this app was produced as a JavaScript webapp. The reason for that app is simple. No matter where you live in the world, when someone says the temperature, your first thought is, "is that F or C?" And most people cannot convert between the two unless it's something easy, like the freezing point.
The app will pull the live temperature for any area in the United States to seed the app when it loads. From there you will see both Fahrenheit and Celsius Temperatures.
Sliders are available so you can see how changing one temperature value affects the other.
This is not intended to be a replacement for your favorite weather app. This is really just about being able to see the relationship between the temperatures scales in real time.
The live weather report is just a bonus. That is simply a live RSS feed. It pulls the feed based on the closest airport. This is a user setting. It is not automatic.
From Google Play
Local version. Follow instructions on previous page.
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