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Films and FX tests


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Before I say a single thing about this film, let me warn you now. It is NOT a comedy and it is not for children. It's very heavy and loaded with foul language. Don't show this to your kids. I know I won't...

Intervention was produced as an entry for the 1st NP2k Film Fest. The object was that there was a given list of 15 or so items, we chose 3 items from the list as points that must somehow be used in the film.
At the time, I had no inclination to produce a film. But when I saw the list, it was just like you see in the cartoons, a little light bulb turned on over my head, and the idea for Intervention was there.

If you're at all familiar with my work, you'll be mighty surprised at how serious this film is. Drama is a totally different animal in every sense of filmmaking.

The one thing that I will always remember about this project is what it felt like to be inspired out of nowhere. This film was made purely because I had an idea and I thought it was good enough to produce even if it were not for the contest. I've come to realize that, as an artist, that is what filmmaking is all about.

Technical stuff about this film:
It's time for me to illustrate my excuses for the production quality. The day of the shoot, I was a bit less prepared than I should have been. I should have had camera operators on hand, and I should have made sure my microphone was working. Those two issues resulted in a nightmare of editing to salvage the shoot. Reshooting was not an option. It was difficult enough to get a few hours for this shoot as it was. What I ended up with was, dodgy audio, and some badly framed shots.

After all, I thought the acting and the dialog illustrated my idea well enough that the production quality could be overlooked. Or, so I hope. What it comes down to is that I learned a whole lot of lessons from this project. And, I absolutely have no regrets considering that I know how NOT to make those mistakes next time. I'll make all new mistakes next time.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about any of this stuff. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoy the short flick.

About me:
This is the 4th film I have produced. I still feel like a hack calling myself a filmmaker. Honestly, I do this for entertainment purposes only. I have no aspirations of doing films or special effects for a living. If I can make a few people crack a smile while watching the films, I feel I've accomplished my task.

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